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Microsystems Lab

develops integrated sensors and sensor systems, MEMS and BioMEMS devices fabricated by silicon or polymer micromachining and nanotechnology solutions.

Nanosensors Lab

utilizes the emerging results of nanotechnology and materials science for novel physical sensors, particularly for micro- and nanometer sized electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS)


The main goal of the MICRO- and NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH LABORATORY of HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research is to research and develop integrated sensors and sensor systems , MEMS and BioMEMS devices fabricated by silicon or polymer micro- and nanomachining technology. The activity covers development and chracterisation of novel functional materials, sensing principles, technology solutions and application-specific micro- and nanosystems.

The utilisation of micro- and nanomachining technology enables the miniaturisation of sensing and analytical systems and integration of various functions of sample preparation, sensing, readout, actuation or communication. The laboratory is focusing on the development of mechanical, chemical (and biochemical) sensors, functional micro- and nanofluidic devices, implantable microsystems, infrared LEDs an moreover specific materials systems or quantumcircuits also.


The laboratory is a unique infrastructure in Hungary. The high-tech microtechnology related fabrication and characterisation systems work in a class 10 cleanroom facility. The laboratory is dedicated for 3D processing of 3” and 4” Si / glass / polymer substrates with maximal 1µm resolution photolithography, together with mask manufacturing. Electron beam lithography and focused ion beam (FIB) milling are also available with resolution of 20nm. The processing line of the laboratory includes wide spectra of micromachining techniques: physical (evaporation and sputtering) and chemical (CVD, LPCVD, ALD, LPE for III-V semiconductors) thin film deposition, wet and plasma etching, high temperature processes, wafer bonding, chip dicing, wire bonding, specific packaging techniques for sensor applications. 3D printing, CNC milling and hot embossing technology are also established for manufacturing application-specific polymer packages or microfluidic structures.

Multi-domain Finite-Element Modelling (FEM), and process simulation also support the structural design and development. Wide spectra of characterisation techniques are also available: optical (fluorescent) and electron microscopy (SEM and EDS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), profilometry, optical and electrical measurements, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, microfluidic characterisation, mechanical vibration and climate test chambers, UV-VIS / IR / FTIR / Raman spectroscopy, etc.


According to the large number of European and domestic R&D projects wide cooperative and knowledge network was established with universities, research centres or research groups and companies to perform interdisciplinary research. Besides the scientific projects, the Lab offers technology development and manufacturing services for several industrial partners to achieve higher technology readiness levels (TRL 2 → 6).

The technological and scientific results are directly transferred into the higher education, by means of several lectures, laboratory practices, TDK, diploma and PhD works. 

The infrastructure is open for academic and industrial partners to fabricate (and to characterise) complex, purpose-designed microsystems, nanocircuits, as well as Lab-on-a-Chip devices and to develop their technology solutions.

Please download our Service Order Regulations .

Further information

Péter Fürjes

head of Microsystems Lab
furjes.peter @ ek.hun-ren.hu

János Volk

head of Nanosensors Lab
volk.janos @ ek.hun-ren.hu